Nursing quiz

Nursing Research Quiz - 17
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Nursing Research Quiz - 17


1. Theoretical sampling is considered as a critical feature of:

A. Grounded theory

B. Double-blind study

C. Experimental design

D. Action research

Answer Key

2. An essential feature of grounded theory research is:

A. Analyzing data using statistical packages like SPSS.

B. Continuous cycle of collecting and analyzing data.

C. Testing hypothesis using experimental design.

D. Phenomenological investigation of facts.

Answer Key

3. Randomization is useful to eliminate:

A. Observer bias

B. Confounding factors

C. Patient bias

D. Sampling bias

Answer Key

4. Double blind study means:

A. Observer is blind about the study

B. Person or group being observed are blind about the study

C. Both observer and observed group in blind

D. Interpreters and analyzers are blind about the study

Answer Key

5. The criteria for validity of a screening test is:

A. Accuracy

B. Predictability

C. Sensitivity and specificity

D. Cost effectiveness

Answer Key

6. Corpulence index is a measure of:

A. Copper content in urine in lead poisoning

B. Red blood cells found in thalassemia

C. Obesity in adults in the community

D. Transmission of bubonic plague in the community

Answer Key

7. Berkesonian bias refers to:

A. Different rates of admission to the hospital

B. Interviewer bias

C. Systemic sampling

D. Systematic difference in characteristic cases and controls

Answer Key

8. Weight in kg is:

A. Nominal variable

B. Discrete variable

C. Confounding variable

D. Continuous variable

Answer Key

9. The following are discrete variable, except:

A. Body weight

B. Carcinoma of cervix

C. Leg ulcer

D. Religion

Answer Key

10. All the following are discrete variables except:

A. Colour of skin

B. Boys in the class room

C. Obesity weight

D. Leukocyte count

Answer Key

Answer Key
1. A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C
6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C
  1. Polit H, Beck C T. Nursing research. 8th ed. New Delhi: Williams and Wilkins; 2008.
  2. Burns N, Grove S K. Understanding nursing research. 4th ed. New Delhi: Elsevier; 2007.
  3. Park JE, Park K. Text Book of Preventive and Social Medicine. 19th Edition. Jabalpur: M.S. Banarsidas Bhanot; 2007.
  4. Questions from entrance examinations relevant to nursing conducted in India. (NIMHANS/AIIMS/Manipal/Kerala/All India etc..)
  5. Cohen J. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ; 1988.
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