Nursing theories
open access articles on Nursing theories and models
- Alderfer's Theory of Motivation
- Application of Nursing Theories
- Application Goal Attainment Theory
- Application Orem's Self-care Deficit Theory
- Application of Suchman’s Stages of Illness Model
- Application of Betty Neuman's Systems Model in Nursing Care
- Application of Roy's Adaptation Model in Nursing Process
- Application of Peplau's Interpersonal theory in Nursing Process
- Application of Health Belief Model in Nursing Practice
- Attachment Theory : John Bowlby
- Attribution Theory
- Betty Neuman’s system model
- Behaviorist Theory
- Biopsychosocial Model
- Care, Cure and Core: The Three C’s of Lydia Hall
- Comfort Theory by Katharine Kolcaba
- Cybernetics
- Dreyfus model
(Skill model)
- Decision
Making Models
- Development
of Nursing Theories
- Ernestine Wiedenbach's
"The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing"
- Epistemology of Nursing
- Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development
- From Novice to Expert: Patricia Benner
- Faye Glenn Abdellah's Theory
- Functional Health Patterns by Majory Gorden
- Halsted’s Model of Learning
- Health Promotion Model
- Health Belief Model
- Herzberg's Two-factor Theory
- Helping and Human Relationships Theory : Robert R. Carkhuff
- Human Becoming Theory : Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
- Human-To-Human Relationship Model by Joyce Travelbee
- Grounded Theory in Nursing Research
- Gate Control Theory of Pain
- Germ Theory of Disease
- Hans Selye's Stress Theory
- Harry Stalk Sullivan's Interpersonal Theory
- Introduction to Nursing Theories
- Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory
- Jean Watson's theory
- Johnson’s behavior system model
- Kolb's Model of Learning by Doing
- Kurt Lewin's Change Theory
- Laws (Principles) of Learning
- Learned Helplessness Model
- Levin's Four Conservation Principles
- Life Perspective Rhythm Model by Joyce Fitzpatrick
- Martha Roger’s Science of unitary human beings
- Maslow's Theory of Needs
- Modeling and Role Modeling Theory by Erickson, Tomlin & Swain
- McGill Model of Nursing by F. Moyra Allen
- Models of Prevention
- Models of Nursing Care Delivery
- Newman's Health As Expanding Consciousness
- Nursing Theorists
- Nursing Theories: An Overview
- Nursing Theories and Research
- Nursing Theory development
- Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory
- Orlando's Nursing Process
- Object Relations Theory
- Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of Change Model
- Psychoanalytic Theory
- Roy's Adaptation Model
- Roper–Logan–Tierney Model of Nursing
- Symbolic Interactionism
- Systems Theory in Nursing
- Stress-Diathesis Model
- Stuart Stress Adaptation Model
- Self-efficacy Theory
- Statistical Theory
- Swanson's (1991) middle range theory of caring
- Theories Based on Interactive Process
- Theories of Florence Nightingale
- Theories Applied in Psychiatric Nursing
- Theories used in Community Health Nursing
- Theories of Intelligence
- Theories of Learning
- Theories of Suicide
- Theory of Mind
- Theory of Interpersonal Relations:: Peplau
- Theory of Goal Attainment: Imogene King
- Theory of Chronic Sorrow
- Theory of Cognitive Dissonance by Leon Festinger
- Theories of Stigma and Mental Illness
- Theory of Moral Development
- Theory of Evolution
- Tidal Model of Mental Health Nursing
- Trajectory Model by Corbin & Strauss
- Transcultural Nursing
- Understanding the works of Nursing Theorists
- Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory
- Vygotsky's general theory of cognitive development