Nursing theories

open access articles on Nursing theories and models
  1. Alderfer's Theory of Motivation
  2. Application of Nursing Theories
  3. Application Goal Attainment Theory
  4. Application Orem's Self-care Deficit Theory 
  5. Application of Suchman’s Stages of Illness Model
  6. Application of Betty Neuman's Systems Model in Nursing Care
  7. Application of Roy's Adaptation Model in Nursing Process
  8. Application of Peplau's Interpersonal theory in Nursing Process
  9. Application of Health Belief Model in Nursing Practice
  10. Attachment Theory : John Bowlby
  11. Attribution Theory
  12. Betty Neuman’s system model
  13. Behaviorist Theory
  14. Biopsychosocial Model
  15. Care, Cure and Core: The Three C’s of Lydia Hall
  16. Comfort Theory by Katharine Kolcaba
  17. Cybernetics
  18. Decision Making Models
  19. Development of Nursing Theories
  20. Ernestine Wiedenbach's "The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing"
  21. Epistemology of Nursing
  22. Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development
  23. From Novice to Expert: Patricia Benner
  24. Faye Glenn Abdellah's Theory
  25. Functional Health Patterns by Majory Gorden
  26. Halsted’s Model of Learning
  27. Health Promotion Model
  28. Health Belief Model
  29. Herzberg's Two-factor Theory
  30. Helping and Human Relationships Theory : Robert R. Carkhuff
  31. Human Becoming Theory : Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
  32. Human-To-Human Relationship Model by Joyce Travelbee
  33. Grounded Theory in Nursing Research
  34. Gate Control Theory of Pain
  35. Germ Theory of Disease
  36. Hans Selye's Stress Theory
  37. Harry Stalk Sullivan's Interpersonal Theory
  38. Introduction to Nursing Theories
  39. Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory
  40. Jean Watson's theory
  41. Johnson’s behavior system model
  42. Kolb's Model of Learning by Doing
  43. Kurt Lewin's Change Theory
  44. Laws (Principles) of Learning 
  45. Learned Helplessness Model
  46. Levin's Four Conservation Principles
  47. Life Perspective Rhythm Model by Joyce Fitzpatrick
  48. Martha Roger’s Science of unitary human beings
  49. Maslow's Theory of Needs
  50. Modeling and Role Modeling Theory by Erickson, Tomlin & Swain
  51. McGill Model of Nursing by F. Moyra Allen
  52. Models of Prevention
  53. Models of Nursing Care Delivery
  54. Newman's Health As Expanding Consciousness
  55. Nursing Theorists
  56. Nursing Theories: An Overview
  57. Nursing Theories and Research
  58. Nursing Theory development
  59. Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory
  60. Orlando's Nursing Process
  61. Object Relations Theory
  62. Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of Change Model
  63. Psychoanalytic Theory
  64. Roy's Adaptation Model
  65. Roper–Logan–Tierney Model of Nursing
  66. Systems Theory in Nursing
  67. Stress-Diathesis Model
  68. Stuart Stress Adaptation Model
  69. Self-efficacy Theory
  70. Statistical Theory 
  71. Swanson's (1991) middle range theory of caring
  72. Theories Based on Interactive Process
  73. Theories of Florence Nightingale
  74. Theories Applied in Psychiatric Nursing
  75. Theories used in Community Health Nursing
  76. Theories of Intelligence
  77. Theories of Learning
  78. Theories of Suicide
  79. Theory of Mind
  80. Theory of Interpersonal Relations:: Peplau
  81. Theory of Goal Attainment: Imogene King
  82. Theory of Chronic Sorrow
  83. Theory of Cognitive Dissonance by Leon Festinger
  84. Theories of Stigma and Mental Illness
  85. Theory of Moral Development
  86. Theory of Evolution
  87. Tidal Model of Mental Health Nursing
  88. Trajectory Model by Corbin & Strauss
  89. Transcultural Nursing
  90. Understanding the works of Nursing Theorists
  91. Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory

This page was last updated on: 26/10/2020